Foodness Gracious - Week 36

Foodness Gracious


Asian cuisine is one of my absolute favorite types of food to eat. Depending how you make it, it can be incredibly healthy with lots of good fats, tender rice, lots of protein and bursts of powerful flavors.

That is why we bring you our Slow Cooker Easy Orange Chicken and Brown Rice.

It’s not only bursting with these amazing Asian flavors, but it is also extremely healthy for your summer swimsuit season. In addition, you can do some customizing if you want to make it a little spicier than our version.

What else makes this a perfect dish? It’s made in the slow cooker so you can focus on yourself, your family, your…well…anything but dinner! Just let the slow cooker do the work for you!

Remember to look for clever ingredient swaps and FAQs on more and more recipes every week!

Fun Audio Experience for the Whole Family

Check-out Popcorn Brainstorm! Jokes & Trivia for Kids, the chart-topping Kids & Family podcast from Netflix. Featuring trivia, games and jokes from your favorite Netflix films and series, Popcorn Brainstorm explores Leo, The Dragon Prince and more!


If you love using your slow cooker to simplify your life, perhaps you need to consider an upgrade.

Slow cookers used to be very basic with three settings - High, Low and Off. Plus, it seems like they were all orange (at least they were at my house growing up).

Now, they come in amazing colors and have programmable settings. Some have delay settings, “keep warm” options that won’t cake your food to the sides, and you may even find some with a mobile app option.

Take a look at our slow cooker reviews and see for yourself what an upgraded slow cooker could do for your home chef skills.


My children were asking me the other day about what it means to be a vegan or a vegetarian and why anyone would want to do that. Obviously, they like their burgers and chicken strips.

I was able to share some answers with them about the importance of this lifestyle, how it may not be for everyone, and barely dabbled in the ethics around a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle.

This led us to an article on this very topic and why those who choose to eat vegan or vegetarian can align to their environment in very unique ways.

Foodness Fun - Poll Results

Last week we featured our Dark Chocolate Brookie - the famous hybrid dessert that combines the cookie and brownie in one.

This led us to our poll from last week where we asked our Foodness Followers to decide between the cookie or the brownie as their favorite dessert option.

In a resounding win, and with over 50% of the vote, the winner is the:


Adding an option for both was very necessary as over 35% of our Foodness Followers have such a strong sweet tooth that they don’t care if it’s a brownie or a cookie…they just want the sugar!

“The chocolate lover in me will always pick a brownie over a cookie. A softer, cake-like brownie is my top pick!”

Kim - Foodness Follower with a sweet tooth for brownies